Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Are you there God? It's me, Rick..Michele..Sarah...Herman

If I put some pants on think I could take New Hampshire?
Dear God,

We're a little confused.  Well - they're confused.  I know who you were actually talking to.  See, when you told me to run for President I stepped up - I did as you asked.  I threw my hat into the Fox News ring and honored your fervent plea to spend million of pac dollars pursuing your goal of making me the Leader of the Free World.

But all of a sudden these imposters show up.  You know, supposedly like minded people CLAIMING you told them to run for President.  But obviously you didn't tell us all to run for President.  Obviously these other "contenders" are following a false god or just making up stuff or maybe had one too many Chardonnays from the Iowa Hilton Mini-Bar.  Whatever, we need to clear this up.

Now I know you've got a lot on your plate - African Genocide, Middle East terrorist Attacks, 3rd World Poverty, AIDS, Frank McCourt and the Dodgers.

But if you could just take a few minutes out and do a brief interivew on The O'Reilly Factor (I know you don't usually do television but this is super important) and clear up which one of us is really the annointed one well, that would be super helpful.

In your name I - okay we- pray.


Sarah, Michele, Rick and Herman

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

once again, the president's fans and I agree to disagree

So the latest defense of the President's negotiating style by his dedicated fanbase is that he is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.  Doesn't look like chess to me.  Looks a lot more like....