There's nothing like "the season of giving" to give those of us who follow such things a special insight into how completely out of touch, how completely clueless - dare I say soulless - many of our self proclaimed "Christian" leaders in Washington are. Let us turn now to the steaming piles of empty rhetoric which have graced our airwaives in this week's lead up to the holidays, causing the uncomfortably nauseous feeling usually associated with that unfortunate last eggnog coupled with just one more cookie. Daintily cover your mouth and move it away from polite company as you consider the following.
Senators Jim DeMint and Jon Kyle

chastising Harry Reid for making them work during Christmas. The holiest time of the year. When they should be off. To consider - you know - holy stuff. Jeez, guys, last I looked - Christmas is next week. Christmas doesn't happen December 10. I don't remember anything in the Bible about "and those elderly white men who would lead them, they shall spend 14 days and 14 nights among friends and family and financial contributors, and they shall drink brandy and smoke cigars and enjoy the fruits of pandering to the money lenders." Also - exciting news - many of your constituents will be working on Christmas. Take it from someone who spent the last 10 years in the restaurant business. Who will those unfortunates be waiting on? A lot of people like the aforementioned Senators who forget that Christmas is for everybody, and that taking the holiday off is a gift not a right, and who probably think their waiter is only there because he/she's an atheist. Or a Muslim. Or single. You know, one of those people who don't deserve a holiday. Hey Senators, I can't imagine you saying thank you to those plate toating heathens,but try not to forget to tip. Better than 12%.
On a related note, aren't you people supposed to be driving the money lenders from the temple, not handing them the contents of the collection plate on the off chance they'll throw a little something to the slaves on the way out? Just asking.
Let us now consider the sacred topic of children.

Our children. Your children. The children of children's children. More specifically the burden of the debt on future children in some future time which is you know, in the future. So many on both sides invoke the children that I can't point a specific finger. But I can suggest we take a minute away from these future children, generic children, all encompassing children to consider actual children -the ones who are here now. Living in shelters. Listening in the bedroom trying not to hear the panic in their unemployed parent's voice. Telling Santa they just want their mommy to be well (and she could be - if Jan Brewer hadn't swiped her transplant $). Children hoping that a ceiling tile won't fall on their head during math class. Children who want to play music but that class is no longer available. Children who'd like to have breakfast but are being denied government programs. (How many schools have administrators who've turned down food for kids because "they should be eating with the family" You don't want to know.) Children who were brought here illegally as infants being told they don't belong in the only home they've ever known (Suggested remedy - let's drop John McCain with no I.D., cash, or a map deep in rural Mexico and see how well he fares - it is what he's suggesting for these kids). So here's what I suggest - call them out. If any politican invokes children but doesn't do everything they can for the actual kids in crisis - not the virtual kids they wrap themselves in - white or black, brown or yellow,young or old, right or left - You call them out. Vote them out. And if you've got the opportunity - punch them out.
As far as the load of cr*p goes- I think it requires no illustration from me. And I will have a happier Christmas message when the actual day approaches. Until then, keep your eye on Washington and the Ho, Ho, Hos